An Abundance of Lack

September 13, 2020 at 5:00 AM
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COVID-19 has taken many things from us: loved ones, freedom of travel, going to the movies, parties at restaurants, parties at bars, pretty much all parties, and an ease of being in the world. The only abundance we have right now is an abundance of lack. And that’s a bleak place, indeed.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve dwelled on all that this pandemic has taken from me long enough. I’m giving myself a kick in the perception pants, so I can dwell on what I DO have. Every morning when I wake up, I list 5 things for which I’m grateful, and my day’s “COVID SUCKS” meter reduces dramatically.

Gratitude changes the chemistry of our brain. Fear (because that’s what lack is, a fear of not having enough) and gratitude fire different areas of the brain, so you can’t experience lack at the same time you focus on gratitude. That’s why I yap about it so much. It turns a lack attack into a warm, fuzzy feeling. This morning my list looked like this:

I’m grateful for:

  1. Air conditioning, because not everyone has air conditioning when it’s broiling outside.
  2. My family, whose goofiness and snarky form of affection is like oxygen to my lack filled soul.
  3. My healthy body.
  4. My sweet pup who looks at me like I have all the answers to his burning questions—I am his queen.
  5. My reliable Volvo that cranks up every time I turn the key, because I’ve had many cars that didn’t.

I could go on with a list of friends and co-workers who restore my faith in humanity on the daily, but now it’s your turn.

What people and things do you have in your life right now that bring a feeling of comfort? Send me your list at, or post one gratitude on Facebook at Let’s all return to a semblance of normal while we are writing our lists. With practice, the feeling of comfort will gently outlast the lack.